Thursday, March 19, 2015

On Turning One

We turn one today :) Well, mother earth has dutifully brought us back precisely to where we stood a year ago, the same point around the centre of the world as she knows. While the 365-day odyssey must’ve been so lonesome for her, I’m lucky we had each other for company. Believe me on this, no matter how much I crib about the contrasts of our dreamy Pisces and Idealist Virgo match, at times I silently thank the Universe for finding me you, bestowing upon me a companionship that could make a year long journey seem like a day.
The last time we were here, surrounded by our loved ones, yet only aware of each other, we were waiting for that destined moment to become “we” from “you and I”. Today, “we” have come so far from the “we” that we were back then. A year spent on learning and unlearning, making and unmaking us.

A year, of me getting into that thick head of yours and re-programming a few 0’s and 1’s with 1/4’s and 1/2’s and 3/4’s here and there. A year of you, breaking into the little bubble around me, and replacing a few mystical things and magical happenings with real people and solid plans.
A year, of your culinary experiments and my literary endeavours.
A year, for getting used to waking up to blaring fast beat music in the mornings, letting that new album that you just won’t stop looping around, grow on me; while you watch me sift through my playlist and replace it every so often coz I just can’t stand monotony.
A year of watching you eagerly wait for Rahman’s next album, the launch of the next awesome gadget, or the telecast of that new series you’re hooked onto, like a child longingly waiting for his new pair of shoes; While I lapse into episodes of thoughtfulness when the writer’s voice inside my head just won't shut up, or jump up and down in childlike glee when you actually buy me a new pair of shoes :P . A year of learning to be able to appreciate xkcd jokes; and of you being able to tell a peep-toe from a slip-on. A year of those late night bout of giggles triggered by your occasional breakthrough in coming up with some really good wisecracks, or my rare(read NEVER) moments of stupidity.

A year for getting to know each other’s wonderful idiosyncrasies and realizing that those are what makes us each other’s. One more year will pass, and we’ll stand here again, contemplating another year gone by. Our first milestone was about closing in the gaps in our relationship, I hope the next one holds so much more.

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